Students for the Länsi-Helsingin musiikkiopisto (West Helsinki Music Institute), including “soitinvalmennus” (entry level instrument coaching) and “soitinmuskari” (music school for young children focusing on either the violin or the piano) are selected through auditions held in the spring. Auditions for the school year of 2024-2025 will be held on May 27th-29th, 2024. Registration for the audition is open 1st-30th of April 2024 via the link below.

Registration for the audition

  1. Get to know our institute’s curriculum HERE (in Finnish). We provide teaching in the following instruments: bassoon, cello, clarinet, double bass, flute, guitar (classical), harpsichord (cembalo), oboe, organ, piano, recorder, saxophone, singing, trumpet, viola, viola da gamba and violin.
  2. Before registration, discuss at home which instruments and ways to enjoy music interest the applicant the most. To support this consideration, we will post videos on our Facebook page during April, in which our students try out a few of the musical instruments available to study in our institute.
  3. Fill in the registration form before the end of April 2024. In addition to the basic information, you should also fill in primary and secondary choices for an instrument according to the applicant’s wishes.

Those applying to instrument coaching should choose “Soitinvalmennus” and those applying to violin or piano music school should choose “Viulumuskari” or ”Pianomuskari”. We also encourage you to write down any other wishes and interests in the form.


The audition

Auditions for the school year of 2024-2025 will be held on May 27th–29th, 2024. Everyone who has registered for the audition by the deadline will receive a personal time slot for one of the audition days via e-mail no later than a week before the audition.

The audition includes a musicality test, a song of choice (applies to everyone) and a piece of music with an instrument (if the applicant has already studied an instrument). An experienced board may, based on the audition test, also recommend a different instrument than what is indicated on the form – our goal is to find the most suitable way for the applicant to study music.